Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Noah's Ark Story (4 year Old Style)

 We told the story of Noah's ark today and each child was an animal partner with another.  We entered two by two into the Ark and waited a long time for the 40 days of rain.  Then we discovered God had kept us safe during the storm, just like Jesus saves us now.  Lots of fun and lots of animal noises!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Preschool Open House...September 29th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Preschool Open House.
Sunday, September 29
4:00 - 5:30 pm
See your child's classroom!
Meet our staff!
Get a family photo!
Go on a treasure hunt!

Can't wait to see you there.  We love to meet our families and get to know you.  If you have any questions, just give us a call at the preschool.  567-7829


Friday, September 6, 2013

Bring a photo of your child!

We need a 4 x 6 snapshot of each child this week.  We plan to do self-portraits and would like to look at our pictures to draw ourselves.  We want to know what color God made our eyes and our hair.  God tells us we are special!

Awesome First Week of School 2013 2014 School Year

Well, we not only survived our first week of classes, but we thrived.  Each class is settling in and learning the rules as well as meeting all the new friends.  I think we've called most of the children by their correct names, and I know we've soooooo enjoyed them.

Here are a few photos of our afternoon classes.  Sorry, I didn't get the morning classes pictures, just thought of it in the afternoon.  But, not to worry, I'll get some morning photos soon.

Keeping busy pretending in our housekeeping area.

Making squares and rectangles with our geo boards.

Reading Brown Bear book with felt pieces.

Working together with the barn and animals.